This Is The Way III


Lightspeed Virginia returns with their THIRD ANNUAL This is the Way tournament.

This is an unrated and mixed weapon tournament. Which mean you MUST be unranked in the weapon class you are using for the tournament.

Rey, Ren, Tano and Dyad are acceptable weapon classes.

Available to everyone, no membership required.

Preregistered Attendees (14)
  • Eric Pellicci (U)
  • Brent Keith (U)
  • David Cook (U)
  • Donovan Coleman James (U)
  • Ian Keith (U)
  • Jacob McKee (U)
  • Ken Myers (U)
  • Kristi Jerome (U)
  • Liz Pritchard (E)
  • Madison Moreyra (U)
  • Mychal Mendoza (U)
  • Roland Balmediano (E)
  • Ryan McKenna (B)
  • Vincent DelVecchio (D)